C is one of the most widely used programming languages for various reasons.
It has high-level constructs.
It can handle low-level activities.
It produces efficient programs.
It can be compiled on a variety of computers.
The syntax of the C programming language is a set of rules that specifies whether the sequence of characters in a file is conforming C source code. The syntax of textual programming languages is usually defined using a combination of regular expressions.
The syntax of a programming language is the set of rules that define the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structured programs in that language.
Before you start programing you need a text editor there are many text editor available online, the most popular text editor are Vim and Emacs, a text editor with syntax highlighting is recommended as it can make code easier to read. Highlighting can also make it easy to spot syntax errors.
If you choose to use a text editor, you will be required to have a C compiler. The most popular C compilers GNU C Compiler, Visual Studio Express, Borland C Compiler. A compiler is a program that converts C code into executable machine code.
Or you can download an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) over a text editor and compiler. An IDE is a program that combines a set of programs that developers need into one convenient package, usually with a graphical user interface. These programs include a compiler, linker, and text editor. Most popular IDE use CDT, Dev C++, Xcode and Microsoft Visual Studio Express.
On Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual Studio Express, may be helpful for beginners but requires setting up a compilation project before making an executable file.
On Mac OS X, the Xcode IDE provides the compilers needed to compile various source files.
Sample Program that will print "Hello World" on screen
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
printf("Hello World! \n");
return 0;
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